Thursday, August 8, 2013

Are you throwing in the towel AGAIN?

When I think about my ancestors one word immediately comes to mind:  Perseverance.  Despite all of their circumstances, they always kept going; kept praying; kept expecting a change.  Life rarely dictated their mood.  I mean, I can literally visualize my grandmother sitting in the window, rubbing her knee, and hymning praises.  Regardless of the circumstances, she always had a song, even if that song had no words.

Somewhere along the way this has been lost even for those who had constant images of this strength.  Weak, faithless, and hopeless are what most of us have become...When did we become a people who lacked perseverance?  

I know we are often called the microwave generation and there is some truth to that.  If it doesn't happen now then hands are thrown up and towels are thrown in.  There's this sense of entitlement; as though working for something is the ultimate sin.  

If this is you, you need a serious reality check! You see, even when our ancestors didn't have a brother, sister, mother, father to pull greatness out of them they eventually figured out that there was something within themselves that helped them endure.  They understood what it meant to encourage themselves.  They understood that life wasn't simply about what you had and didn't have.  AND they knew that throwing in the towel wasn't an option because it was about more than just them!

Just like living by faith isn't an option, neither is perseverance.  Things won't always go your way and you might experience a few pity parties along the way--what matters most is that you don't stay in that pit!  And because God is never trying to teach us to be dependent on anyone other than Him, there won't always be someone there to throw you a rope.  

Find your inner strength.  Make sure if you are throwing in the towel it is only to because you have a new one to carry; not just for you but also for the generation coming behind you.  

"I have observed something else under the sun.  The fastest runner doesn't always win the race and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle". (Ecclesiates 9:11 NLT).

 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint". (Isaiah 40:31)

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