Sunday, August 24, 2014

Parental School Stress

Lately I have been stressed; stressed brought on by situations, which in my opinion, could have been easily avoided with effective communication.  As unfortunate as it is, we live in a world where people who were hired to represent the community make decisions so far removed from reality that it puzzles me.  That is, until you remember the selfishness of the America, and individual desire to self-promote.  This self-promotion and the fact that we are more likely to complain in silence, has given these types of people exactly what they need---power to do whatever they please never feeling like they owe any explanation.  

A few months ago, I attended a parent meeting held by District 89.  Parents were brought in for a discussion about the reorganization of the district.  I ended up writing a letter (see image at end of blog) to the superintendent afterwards because I was so distraught about the meeting and the lack of communication afterwards.  I mean who has a meeting and does not allow parents to ask questions about changes that will affect their children?

Despite concern, the reorganization happened.  I am still wondering when that proposal actually became THE plan.  How the board and this superintendent believed they could successfully pull off all these changes in such a short time was beyond me.  Yet, I read the letter sent home with my child informing me of the school my children would attend the following school year. I still cannot recall when I actually knew that the first day of school would be pushed a month later.

Last week was registration.  I went to the school only to find out “they”, whomever they are, pushed the time K-5 grade kids would start school (from 8:15am to 8:35am).  For me, that meant I could not register my kids in school because there was no way I could drop them off at this time and make it to work on time.  

It has been obvious from the beginning the individuals who are making these changes do not care about parental buy in; knowing this, I still found it strange that they would not properly notify parents of this decision.   I know they have addresses and phone numbers.  I decided to call the district to find out.  I pointed out that the website included an official board approved 2014-2015 calendar
that did not display a time change (this was STILL the case as I spoke with the individual on the phone; they have since change the time but still indicate it was board approved the same date).  The calendar indicates the calendar was approved May 2014(see image).  I asked what did official mean to them.  I knew that they would not do anything about this, but I just wanted to know why no notification.  I still do not have an answer to this question.

While I know I am only one parent, I am tired of being quiet and I will no longer suffer in silence.  I know the importance of advocating for myself even though at times it seems much easier to do so for others.  I also know I am not the only parent with this story.

Days later, I still do not know where my kids will be attending school.  I also know the board does not care. I keep hearing the individual tell me that it is only a small change; never acknowledging that this “small change” has a major impact on me and my family.   

Here’s the thing, I pay taxes in this community.  I should have the right to decide whether my children attend a neighborhood school and not be forced out due to some last minute decision.  If I am not mistaken, it is the boards’ responsibility to make the best decision for the children.  This can NEVER be achieved without consideration of parents.  Some consideration should be given to ALL parents and kids.  People with the inability to do this should not serve.

Please do not mistake my outcry as a tearing down of the people who volunteer their time. I do not make it my business to “teardown” people who give their time because I recognize the sacrifice in it. I simply want these people to understand the ramifications of those decisions.  Here’s the reality, had this decision been made in May I would have time for rational decisions.  I do not feel as though asking for proper notification is too much to ask, it is their responsibility!

Now I am faced with having to find a private school for my children (which most likely have already started school) , find a before care service that will drop them off at school, or leave them on the school playground unsupervised.  Neither of these are decisions a responsible parent wants to make in a matter of days.

This is only a short summary of what I have had to deal with; it does not include conversations with other parents who also did not know about the time change.  Honestly I would like answers.  I wish I was not in this situation.  I know I will not receive a truthful response (just like the initial letter sent in which the superintendent never responded to me, but my husband who did not write the letter) and I am in this situation.  I also know I will not forget this when voting time comes around.  I will make note of all responsible and those who fail to say a word about how rouge this board has been in their decision making.  In all things you have to find the positive so I am thankful for finding my voice.

Thanks for listening.

In advocacy,

D. McGhee

I would have loved to just attached the letter, the blog only allows links to websites; therefore, these are images

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