Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm sure it is all the death going on around me that has my mind preoccupied with the things of life. It is amazing how others successes, grief, etc can influence your behavior and thoughts (negatively or positively). All of that has brought me to ponder on several questions: What is true success? How does on truly enjoy life (instead of giving the mere appearance of such)? If you left the world today, would you have fulfilled your purpose? I know, I know...pretty deep questions, but none of which I think the average adult (which is NOT defined by a number) has not posed at one time or another. So here is what I can offer in short time I've been placed on this earth:

Everyone will define success differently and most likely, that definition will change overtime. For example, I can remember not so long ago when success for me would have been the completion of a goal. Now I think that is probably just a starting place of helping you find true success which I believe is really tied to your fulfilling your purpose in life. For me, success is tied to what I give to others (i.e., my time, my talent, and yes the MONEY). The more of myself I give to others, the better I feel. It is nothing like helping pull out of others what they didn't know they had.

So what happens that gets us so off track in our thinking? Easy...nothing but the good 'ole values of a capitalist society!! It is all about the mighty dollar y'all. Money and the people with it are running things (primarily because we allow it but that's a whole 'nother blog). We see images of others "living it up", the diamonds, the gold, houses, cars; not to mention shows like MTV cribs, the Life of the Rich and Famous. While there is nothing wrong with things, if we aren't careful we will get caught up in the hoopla of chasing them at any cost (family, friends, even life itself). That's when we start redefining life and success to the world's standard. That's when we get into trouble.

I have to constantly refocus myself on TRUTH because it is a daily struggle not to get caught up in the images that are put before you. But it isn't impossible to do. Watch who you let into your ear and your eyes. Remember, while you are stressing yourself out about a bill, a vacation that you can't take, or money that you don't have, LIFE is literally passing you by (not to mention you aren't particularly contributing to your health in a positive manner either). YES, be responsible but live in the meantime. Redefine your definition of success. Chase after those things that REALLY matter. Re-prioritize your life. FOCUS ON TRUTH and grow up!!

Have you shown love today???

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