Monday, August 3, 2009

Food Control?

I decided to try a new venture...a cleanse. I had never done a cleanse and thought that it would be a good thing to do before I try to change my eating habits. Of course I had to recruit some people to do it with me for support. The Master Cleanse was recommended to me. For those who may not be aware, this means NO FOOD!!!!!! You drink a lemonade concoction instead that is made to curve your appetite. I will spare you the details of the salt water rinse but will share that our bodies cannot digest salt water so use your imagination.

This is day 4 for me and I never thought that I would make it thus far. This cleanse is NOT for the weak in MIND. You are definitely at battle with your mind. Which is probably why the original creator of this cleanse meant for it to go along with a spiritual fast. This way you are strengtened your spirit and you don't focus so much on food. So what have I learned?

1. It is crazy but food has so much control over me! If you don't believe me try not eating... This is definitely a problem because nothing should have this much control of you. Made me think that food is an idol and that is scary!!!

2. There are so many things centered around food (any type of get together or fellowships). I even learned I equate work with food.

3. I'm such an emotional eater. Sad, excitey, angry, happy, bored whatever the mood it calls for food. See there's that control again

When you look at all of these things it is not surprising that obesity is taking over coupled with us not taking care of ourselves. I didn't want this to only be a time of not eating (and losing weight) but a time of reflection. I needed a reality check about what things I am neglecting and how I can better take care of myself. Yes I know that we all will have to leave this place one day but I don't want it to be because of something I could have avoided. Besides not taking care of yourself, if you are a believer, is a sin! We are supposed to take care of our temples.

While this have been the a struggle for me these last few days, I am truly grateful for it. It has strengthen me because now I know that first of all I am stronger than I thought (the first time I tried it I didn't make it 12 hrs) and that food doesn't have to have control over me. With the help of others (and Jesus) I was able to conquer what I thought I never could. This is an awesome accomplishment for me. Now knowing this, I am researching new ways of eating (new recipes, less sugar, and not eating late at night) and incorporating more movement into my life (including exercise). This will call for me to broaden my horizons and try new things but I know that I can and that is half the battle.

Yes people it is time for us to gain that control back. Life is precious and plus you will feel so much better. If you can't do it for yourself, think of your families and all that you will miss if you leave this world prematurely for something that you could have prevented. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR MIND! I encourage you to do better one day at a time; one goal at a time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not recommending that you do it my way but I am recommending that you do something!!! Maybe your start is walking a mile a day whatever it is DO IT! No more excuses. We have access to too many things.

I have faith....and while you are doing that, don't forget to show love.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, i didn't last but 3 days. trying to find a way to exercise, eat right, and be healthy is hard. all this without out being lazy, Its a work in progress.
