Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What does justice look like?

Anger, agony, sadness...The emotions I can put a name to while watching Fruitvale; even knowing how it will end.  As I sat trying to sort out my feelings, trying to make sense of something that doesn't, all I could do is sob. 

What does a parent tell their child?  They are here to serve and protect but not you? Or who cares if you've done anything wrong you just want to get out alive?  Or you have no rights when dealing with them?  Or considering Trayvon, they can stand their ground but you can't?

So many questions, to things that you will never have the answer to.  And at this point does it even really matter?  We wanted a video in Trayvon's case but they had them and still convicted this man to manslaughter and only 2 years in prison.  As if that wasn't a big enough slap in the face, he only serves 11 months.  11 months for a life? And they call that justice?

I can remember asking my mom how she does it?  Her answer: you pray and leave it in God's hand.  Now I have one of my own and I have to add to that that faith without works is dead.  ACTION...It is so important that we not only face the truth about the world that we live in (because Oscar and Trayvon are only two names we know) but that we find away to do what we can to make sure we don't have to call another name.  All of those emotions mean nothing if we don't turn it into something positive.  So as I search for and execute my way, I hope you'll do the same.

For those who haven't yet seen Fruitvale, check it out before it leaves the theaters.  

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