Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What's your motivation?

With the month of January behind us it seemed reasonable to reflect on those goals we set for the New Year. By now people are starting to inch back into their old routines (for one reason or another). It has been an interesting for me, as I've talked with people about their goals and even as I've assessed my own. Here's what I have come to realize:

(1) We all do things for different reasons. For example, while I REALLY need to lose weight that wasn't my motivation for working out and it wasn't even the goal I set. My goal was to make myself a priority. Working out (of course) just happens to fit in with that.

(2) It is okay to fall off the bandwagon but it is NOT okay to stay there. Life is about being tested so of course anything that you are trying to change is going to be hard; so hard that you may fall off. That isn't the problem. The problem comes if you don't work to get back on track. Personally, I hate failure. Failure to me is one not even trying to succeed. Therefore, be done with that pity party and get back to it.

I've found that once you find what truly motivates you, it will become that much easier to accomplish that goal. For some a bad diagnoses, not fitting into clothes, or the death of a loved one isn't motivating but SOMETHING is and only you can find it.

The best part is if you are still breathing then it is not too late. Here's to you pressing through and not giving up. You can and will succeed but faith without works is dead so GET TO WORK!

Of course don't forget that while your on your way...SHOW SOME LOVE


  1. One thing that I find helpful to me is if I remember these words...."Giving up is not an option!" Thanks for your motivating words.

  2. We fall down but we get up! So when you get up make sure you stand strong. I love to see when people can pick up where they left off... Myself included.


  3. One of my main motivations is the understanding that my purpose is bigger than me. Knowing that the decisions I make can impact my family in a positive or negative way. Understanding what it is I could do now, to help build the body of Christ because all of us are called to do something for the Kingdom.

    As a man, husband, father and provider how does my life impact others when I don’t know they are looking. What examples am I really showing my daughter and my sons what the makeup of a real man is as I interact with my wife, family and friends.

    I must agree, you must be determine and relentless not to give up on your goals and dreams regardless of the obstacles in the path as you strive to provide a better life for you and the rest of your family for generations.

    These are some of my motivations.

    Ken Williams

  4. Thanks for the motivation. Changing bad or unproductive behaviors is difficult, since we grew up with many of these behaviors. But, like we've heard before, anything worth having is worth fighting for. We have to fight to become better than who we were last year... and yes, if at first you don't succeed... try, try again. (We really learned some good "stuff" as kids. Why do we adults forget these things?) - SDR

  5. It is so true that some individuals have let their goals set for the new year fall aside. I too had some goals set and although every one has not fallen, probably the most important has. Your blog certainly made me think, and realize that I need to pick myself back up and begin where I left off. I may be behind in terms of where I could have been if I had continued, but nevertheless I must press. It's not hard I just need to make time to do it and in the end I know I'll be a better person.
