Friday, March 12, 2010

Let's be real

As I continue my efforts to becoming the best me I can be I've come across some things that I'm not too proud about. Don't get me wrong because I'm not surprised at all by my findings--TRUE self-evaluation brings this and it isn't the first time these issues have been brought to the forefront but apparently this time I must be more prepared to actually deal with them.


I've never really thought of myself as an unloving person; while I can't say the same about forgiveness. You cross me once that's my fault but I would always make sure that you wouldn't get a second chance at that. So in my life I can look back and see where relationships (platonic and otherwise) were lost or even not created due to this type of harshness (yeah it's harsh). I in no way am suggesting that we be apart of unhealthy relationships but I know that all of the relationships that I have turned away from haven't been because of unhealthy reasons. Point blank, I've practiced selective love and forgiveness. Now some may not see a problem with that but I beg to differ:

John 13:34-35
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

1 John 4:11
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Matthew 6:14-15
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Of course you know I could go on. Now don't you go to thinking that I'm this totally heartless person because that's not at all the point or who I am. But if you stop and think about it, it really is easier to love the people you like and forgive the people you love.

These are the areas in my life that I need to improve; the challenges I need to overcome--loving and forgiving my "enemies". It is a hard cookie to swallow. I don't have the answers or a plan as to how tackle this, which for me it also hard (I'm used to having Plans A-D and E if I need it). But what I do know is that there are some things in life that you can't handle in and of your own strength: God can only help you to fix what you have first acknowledged. He will stretch you beyond your comfort zone wanting you to lean on Him. And you WILL take the test until you pass it.

So as I cast my cares, my hope is that you will do your own self-evaluation. Don't beat yourself up about what you find but work to make it better.

Someone recently told me and I'll share it with you: The way you treat other people is a direct reflection of your relationship with Christ.

Let us work to share some agape


  1. VERY WELL doesn't get much better than SELF-EVALUATION!! LKK

  2. HOT TOPIC. Being humans, we will do someone else wrong, be it on purpose or by mistake, but ultimately because we are trying to protect ourselves and our own interests. Truth be told, many of our motives and deeds are selfish. But, once the wrong has been done, we expect forgiveness. Yet, we find it difficult to return the favor... for the same reason.. to protect ourselves and our own interests. But, the bottom line is always love. Like you said, the way you treat others is a direct reflection of your relationship with Christ. God IS love... and if we have fellowship with him we have fellowship with one another and it is the blood of Jesus who cleanses us from all sin (I John). Unforgiveness, prevents fellowship with one another and signifies just how much love is in your heart. I am not there yet. But, we will all know we have arrived when someone does us wrong and we can turn the other cheek... just like Jesus did at calvary. - SR

  3. Self evaluation... I guess there is a point where you realize you can't demand from people something you can't give in return (perfection). Therefore more compassion becomes the "order of the day".
    It's important that we realize the next individual, in spite of whatever frailties is also "a child of God".

  4. The things we go through in life develop us and provide experience. So it up to us to decide what we would like to take some our past journey into our future. So let make our future better by making decision that will not only better you as a person but the people whom you associate with.

    Agape Love!

