Thursday, December 31, 2009


2009 was a challenging year. It was a year the encompassed a lot of deaths and wrong decisions. As I reflect though, I realize that while I did not accomplish growth in the areas that I wanted to, it does not mean that I didn't grow. I learned a lot, even if some of my lesson were in what NOT to do. With all of the challenges that I faced this year there are so many things and people that come to mind when I think of overcoming.

Tina K.: I have never met a person more focus and determined to accomplish her dreams. She was the epitome of focus and drive. While her life was short lived, I don't have a doubt in my mind that she died empty; meaning that she gave all that she had. She touched many lives and changed mines forever.

Mia W.: What a wonderful soul. She was the epitome of true sisterhood and strength. She fought a long battle with cancer. Even when things looked bleak, she found the light. I know that God was with her because one could not have that kind of strength in and of themselves. Mia had a lot of dreams and goals that she did not live to accomplish but I believe that she accomplished the most important ones, that of love, peace, and forgiveness.

I used to wonder why God would allow me to meet these women, connect with them, and then take them away from me, at what still appears to me, untimely. And while I may never know the answer to that I am yet grateful for them and all that they added to my life and all that they continue to add to my life: I honor them.

Kevin M.: I don't believe there is a man on this earth who could love me more. I know that you are God sent. You balance me and show me true faith and love. Even when you make me mad, I know that you love me just as Christ loved the church and as your own body (Eph 5). From you I learn to stand even in the midst of adversity. The Bible says, "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers".
(1 Peter 3:6-8)

I need you to pray because your prayers are not hindered.

With that said, I want 2010 to reflect all that they accomplished so well and all that they remind me of: faith, love, peace, sisterhood, forgiveness, drive and determination. I even the more realize that while I haven't found my purpose career-wise that doesn't mean much. My career is not tied to my person AND it isn't how I would want to be remembered anyway. Life is about way more than that and I'm thankful that 2009 allowed me to learn the difference.

So as you bring in the New Year, my prayer is that you take time and focus on how you will strive to be a better spouse, mother/father, sister/brother, friend. I pray that you will spread love and hope. I pray that the distractions and challenges that will come next year won't prevent you from seeing all the blessings of life.

Learn the lessons. Live life to its fullest and don't forget to show love.


  1. What a great way to start the new year! May God Bless you and your heart

  2. Good word for the end of one year and the beginning of another. Thanks for sharing.

  3. There's not a lot to be said after that, you said it beautifully, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
