Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Beginnings: Week One

Day 1 was not as hard as I anticipated it being.  I got up, workout, and had my first "clean" meal.  This is an adventure though because every meal I get a realization of just how much sugar I ate.  So now the task is before me to learn new and creative ways to season food because unbeknownst to me a lot of the seasonings in my cabinet have sugar or some other items I can't pronounce.  Day one was an all around success!

Day 2 was HARD!! The first day I was home all day and this was my first day out.  I only expected to be gone a few hours so I packed a few items like fruits, nuts, water, etc.  I attended a funeral that ended up being longer than I thought it would be.  By now I'm going to the bathroom like crazy AND came the withdrawal headache!  Now I figured I would have withdrawals, but when it didn't happen on day one I somehow assumed I wasn't as addicted to sugar as I had believed.  Honey when I tell you these headaches SUCK that is an understatement!!!!!!!!!!! I see why crackheads go back to the crack!!  All you think about is trying to get rid of the pain and giving into whatever that desire is becomes your first thought.

Although I had snacks, lunch ended up running into dinner.  And what kind of food did they have at the repast? We all know the answer to that one.  Since the repast was close to my house I skipped the fried chicken and fish and went home and ate a salad.  The headache lasted all day but what concerned me more was the fact that I didn't eat 1200 calories.  It wasn't that I wasn't eating but what I ate just didn't cut it especially with lunch running into dinner.  This was a learning day!  It is so important to get your meals in and now I know that if I need some extra calories, grabs some nuts :)

Those two were my hardest days.  The headache, surprisingly, did not linger past day 2.  Yesterday was the first time I really had craving for sugar, but it happened while I was working.  Work is usually where I have the worst eating habits.  I was extremely anxious about returning to work. I know that I am an emotional eater so when I'm working I'm either eating because I'm bored or because I'm stressed.  But I'm glad to report my first two days of work went extremely well.  I changed my focus to making sure I drunk water.

Having support has been wonderful.  In addition to my #SexyShred gang, my husband, mom, and coworker have been in my corner.  My mom has also joined in on clean-eating.  She isn't even exercising but is still losing weight.  I can't wait until she goes to the doctor to find out if this is having a positive effect on her cholesterol.  The kids aren't enjoying it as much but I totally understand why.  I have to be patient with them though.

I did wonder about how costly this would be because items are more expensive.  I've come to realize though that I'm not spending too much more money because I was spending $6-10 a day for breakfast/lunch.  With me bringing lunch I'm saving that money; not to mention the money saved by not eating out.

I can tell my taste buds are also changing.  I wasn't to keen on almonds and now they have become my favorite snack.  And those that know me will be shock to know that I'm loving hummus.  I gave raspberries another try but nah...still don't like those.

All in all, this has been an interesting journey.  In the beginning you feel it is all about the food.  That's because we don't realize how much of a hold it has on us.  Eventually, you come to realize that it is about so much more.  I'm feeling great and can't wait to see what week two has in store!

So was my week one what you expected?  What things should I be concerned about for the second week?  Tune in to see and let me know you were here.


  1. I love to hear excitement in your words. Keep out the good work and know that mind is stronger than you think. Get it Mind-Think Jokey-Joke... #Proud

    1. I love to hear excitement in your words. Keep up the good work and know that mind is stronger than you think. Get it Mind-Think Jokey-Joke... #Proud
