Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Beginnings: Week Two

The excitement of the change wore off this week but I am happy to report that clean eating is becoming more of a habit.  I am continuing to experiment with different dishes and vegetables.  What I didn't expect is the change I feel towards food.  I see it more in the light of nourishment; a source of energy.  I don't find myself constantly thinking about food anymore and must admit that I'm shocked. I've heard that this happens, but to have this happen so soon is truly amazing to me. It may be a sign that I was truly ready and prepared for change.

This week brought on a new challenge of reminding myself to eat.  I don't know why it is that I rarely feel hungry; maybe my stomach is shrinking or maybe I don't recognize the new hunger signs.  Either way, I don't think about food as much as I use to.  I utilize MyFitnessPal to keep track of the amount of calories I eat and the majority of days I end up trying to find something to eat just to reach my 1200 calorie mark.  It also doesn't take much for me to have that full feeling.  So I have to continue to be mindful of this because I don't want to "starve" my body.

I have had more sugar cravings this week but no headaches.  It isn't so much that clean eating eliminates sugar because there is raw sugar and honey.  I have just chosen not to use much of either because I do have a concern about exchanging one addiction for another.  The good thing is I've gotten use to drinking plain tea and when I have a craving usually almonds fulfills it.  I don't feel like I've given up sweets either.  I know that if I really want something I just have to get in the baking mood.  The Internet has plenty of "clean" baking recipes.

I am so proud of myself.  I've learned so much but mostly that food does not have control over me as much as I believed.  I am giving this my all and have had to make major changes in my life to accomplish what I have thus far.  Meal planning is a MUST.  It is part of the reason why I don't have to consistently think about food because I already know what I will be eating.  This coupled with exercise has been wonderful for me.  I don't feel sluggish or heavy.  I push myself more because I've conquered something that I really thought I never could.  I'm no longer the sweet queen and am glad to pass that crown on...

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