Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Beginnings

Man it has been a LONG time since I have blogged but I'm back! In a few days I will begin a new challenge and thought it would be a great idea to document my experience.

 On Thursday I will begin clean eating. What is clean eating? In a nutshell, it is eating real food (no hormones, preservatives, etc). A few days ago I went shopping to prepare and I must say it was eye-opening. Going shopping and having to read labels (even labels that claim to be organic or my favorite all natural) was depressing. Honestly, before this I never really thought about how much of this stuff was in our food. I mean you know that there are a host of processed food but to see items in the smallest things like seasonings... It just makes me wonder how damaged my body really is. Nevertheless, I survived! Found meats, bread, honey, peanut butter, brown rice, and other clean items. I purchased some frozen vegetables but also plan to eat fresh ones which I will purchase as I use them. Tomorrow I will be planning my meals for the week.

Of course with anything new there are fears and I have them. Will I have severe withdrawals? Will I like some of the new meals? Will I miss fried foods and takeout? Will it be extremely hard to plan? And then there is the exercising...Oh My! I do have plenty of support and I plan to utilize every bit of it (especially for meal ideas)!

What I do know is that I'm excited and glad to be trying this. I can only imagine the wonderful things to come and how it will impact my life and my family in the coming months. I plan to update this every week so I hope you come along for the ride and maybe even consider joining in. Wish me well.


  1. I am so happy that you have decided to make this change. Of course you know I am a health nut and have made major changes as to what I put in my body. I'm very excited for you and you will be glad you made the change. As far as your fears....will you have withdrawals, will you like the new meals, will you miss fried foods and takeout, with it be hard to plan and that dreaded exercise.....yes to all!!! But trust me when I say, it will be well worth it. It takes time, patience, and determination. But once you get going and stick to the changes, it will become easier and a eventually habit. You have had years to develop the habits....it will take some time to change that. I'm fortunate enough to have several Whole Food markets in my area, and one in walking distance, which is a double benefit because I get my exercise as well. Best of luck to you and I know you will succeed!

  2. So excited for you and your journey. Only great things to come!
