Sunday, February 22, 2015

Book Review: Gone Girl

Disclosure: I have never seen the movie

I heard lots of great things about both the book and the movie, so I was extremely excited to begin this book.  But oh did I struggle.  I struggled so much I went to an individual for suggestions on how I could get through it (I didn't want to be a quitter).  It was recommended that I not read the story with the question of who did it in my mind.  I tried that but nah...I went from being utterly confused to sickened. Eventually I just told myself the quicker I finish, the quicker I can start another book.

This book confirmed a few things for me:
1. I do not like suspense books
2. I really do not like suspense books that do that back and forth between characters

I get it though...a great suspense should have twists and turns.  I mean who wants to read a suspense they can quickly figure out.  Yes, I totally get that. But this was extremely slow and just not my cup of tea.

There isn't much you can say about the characters without giving away the plot so all I'll say about Amy and Nick is that they deserve one another.  Maybe this made an execellent movie. I'm not sure if I'll ever know.

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