Friday, February 13, 2015

Unperfected Love

Have you ever taken some time out to think about where you would be if no one loved you through your mess? The hardest know, when you weren't exactly likable, let alone loveable?

If you have, then you realize how much forgiveness coincides with love.  Love is used so loosely these days.  So much, that I’m confident that most people have no clue what all it entails.  Considering,  Merriam-Webster has so many definitions of loveit is no surprise that we all have our own personal definitions:

1.      Attraction based on sexual desire

2.      Affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interest

3.      A person’s adoration of God

4.      Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for good of another

Thing is, we often hear about how we wish Big Momma/Mema was still living and how great the family was when she was around.  How you ever sat and pondered why this was?  I have, let me submit my theory:

See Big Momma wasn’t chasing the American dream (all about me and mine).  She wasn’t trying to create a family; while the “family” grew (cause we had those play brothers/sisters/cousins) it was only because everyone she came in contact with she treated with the upmost respect and love.  She repeatedly told us, “We family. We all we got.” (Can’t you hear it?)  But here’s the biggest difference, she was able to see beyond the person to see the need.  See, while she didn’t accept the mess (cause she was definitely going to set you straight) you never felt like an outcast, that she didn't have time, or worse, that you weren't apart of the family.

Yeah, she displayed that 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 love.  I, in no way am saying that you allow any and everything.  That’s not the point.  The point is, compassion goes a long way.  Somebody has to love you beyond your mess!



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