Monday, October 19, 2009

It really is powerful!

This past weekend was Homecoming. The short version is that it was GREAT!! While the weekend was truly about seeing people you hadn't seen in a while it and of course partying, when I sit and reflect the power of relationship, love and upliftment comes to mind. Growing up I never had a group of female friends as it always lead to drama for one reason or another. But one thing that rings truth for me is that college life brought about the importance of true relationships...relationships that stood the test of times. And even though in my everyday life my core isn't around me that love, confidence, and "swag" is. Because of that I now have the honor of sharing that precious gift with others and it is a powerful thing. Why? Because it refutes everything that the world says it true: women, especially black women, can't get along; the crab mentality, the I mentality, etc. Now I'm not naive to believe that those things don't exist in America but it is wonderful to know that we as a people strive to squash them. It really is beautiful! Women uplifting one another, people meeting new people, people unconditionally showing love and concern for the midst of everything that went on this is what touched me the most and what I will remember the most (of course the A-list dress I wore will rank up there too)!

I really hope that others saw and felt this and most importantly will choose to pass it on. Reach back and give it because it really is golden and I learned that everyone doesn't have it or know how to receive it.

Until next time people....GO GREEN!!!

And still I ask, have you shown love today?


  1. AWESOME! I concur. I am so glad that I took the opportunity to share in this uplifting experience. It was wonderful to see some of the best that life has to offer at it's finest. We were out to reflect,strut, make new friendships and party. This was a wonderful night and I plan to take full advantage next year of an even better experience.
    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!! (MSU FAN)

  2. You are starting to Bleed Green!

  3. I agree shawn this is wonderfully put. Meeting new people, engaging in getting along, kickn it, and friendship and pure happiness of just being in the presence of high spirits no drama.I will remember it all as well and yes that dress miss thang LOL!!!

  4. Great! It is wonderful to experience the removal of what W.E.B. Du Bois coined "the veil", he described it as "seeing yourself thru the eyes of others". They're description of you has never had any real basis and in my opinion only existed to discourage the genius of you and people like you.
    It is wonderful and rejuvenating to experience the companionship of people who share the same or similar visions and values.
    However, keep in mind, this is not and never has been "the challenge". The challenge is "the least of these", and we as a society are judged by our efforts in this regards.
